
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wonder Woman Extra: “Revolutionizing a Classic: From Comic Book to Television, the Evolution of Wonder Woman, from Page To Screen” (Bonus DVD Documentary)

This DVD extra is only 11 minutes, and focuses more on the impact the show had on current WW comic artists. This appears to draw from the same interview footage as that used in the season one extra, but cherrypicked to match the above-mentioned theme. Pretty much telling us what we already know in terms of the show’s impact, but interesting to hear it from those who are still keeping the character alive. I learned a few things, too, such as how the comic actually imitated the show when it went back to WWII, and then followed it in its switch to present day – ditto the spinning transformation effect.

Looking at some of the episodes from the early part of the season, I noticed how they gradually stopped using the comic-style panels to establish setting (it probably happened around the same time they changed the opening to all live-action). They also minimized the flirting between Steve and Diana, opting to forget about any romantic possibilities between the two. Kind of a shame, actually, as the later shows were all business and fewer interludes, romantic or otherwise. And they also got rid of IADC superior Joe Atkinson, probably realizing his role as assignment director could be performed by Steve, and his information dispensation could be handled by IRAC. Sorry, Joe, welcome to the age of automization.

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