
Monday, May 20, 2013

Waltons 8.16: “The Prodigals”

Airdate: 1/17/80

When Josh Foster and Jeffery chance upon a craps game with a group of soldiers, Josh can’t help but take part, but just as Josh wins the kitty, Ike breaks it up and confiscates the money. To get it back, the two boys break into Ike’s store, but Josh gets caught while Jeffrey absconds with the money, which he buries in the Waltons backyard. Keeping mum about the identity of his accomplice, Josh is punished by having to paint Godsey’s store, but the guilt is too great for Jeffrey to keep mum, so he fesses up – and happily doesn’t get the punishment he feared: having to leave the Waltons.

We all knew Ben was itchy to enlist in the war, but he now he’s climbing the walls. After some soul-searching (of course), he joins the navy in a construction unit. Anchors aweigh!

In comparison to previous entries, this is a lighter-weight episode that updates a great Bible story: Jonah and the Whale. It’s good to see Verdie and Josh Foster in this one, but we learn that the father, Harley, has left for unexplained reasons. The first separated single mother on Waltons Mountain?

It is now the Spring of 1944 – and so we can anticipate Ben in the ETO, offering some more war involvement. With D-Day around the corner, perhaps an epic two-parter about the invasion? Time will tell.

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