
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Waltons 8.14: “The Fastidious Wife”

Airdate: 12/27/79

Cindy is getting close to delivering, but with Ben spending long hours at the mill, she suspects she may not be interesting to him anymore. Enter Corabeth with a new book, “The Fastidious Wife,” and all the ways to accommodate your man at every turn. Going too far, however, she passes out from exhaustion, and nearly loses her baby. The doctor informs her to stay in bed and take it easy, and Ben is all too happy to wait on her hand and foot.

Subplot: Jeffrey and Serena can’t bear too give up a pregnant, and find it even
harder to ditch her newborn kittens.. so, it looks like the Waltons have some barn mousers on their hands now! (About time the Waltons got around to an orphaned cat story!)

Actually a rather silly episode works as feminist tract with mixed results. Seeing Cindy as a Stepford Wife isn’t all that funny, partly because she acts like a Stepford Wife anyway.

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