
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Waltons 7.20: “The Outsider”

Airdate: 3/1/79

Ben wakes the entire house up a 3 in the morning with a real shocker: he’s married! He and his new bride, Cindy, had gotten married in Maryland  - or should we say eloped – because he was in love and just couldn’t wait (without making a “mistake”). Everyone is speechless at first, but when John has a heart-to-heart he’s miffed that his son didn’t tell anyone beforehand; Ben rejoins with the accusation that everyone thought Cindy was a hussy and would be against the union.

Once the smoke clears Ben finds himself arguing more often with Cindy herself, on topics ranging from the new curtains she’s made for their new room in John-Boy’s old shed, to the record player she bought with money he claims they don’t have. After she decides to leave, having had enough of his bossiness and lack of listening ability, things simmer down once Grandma imparts a few words – and techniques – of reason.

Milestone episode adds a new Waltons girl to the family – knockout LeslieWinston as Cindy Brunson Walton, whom I’m sure Ben portrayer Eric Scott had no problem having kissing scenes with – and there are a number of them in this episode. Great choice to have Ben come in and announce the marriage at the top of the sow; it’s in keeping with his character and saves us the usual pomp and pageantry of a Waltons wedding, which we’ve had already and will have again in the coming years.
Winston had done appearances on Quincy and B.J. and the Bear before landing this role, which she kept until the end of the series. Welcome to the family, Cindy!

Subplot involving a sculpture Corabeth remembers better than it actually is pales by comparison.

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