
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wonder Woman 1.7: The Pluto File

Airdate: 12/26/76

A Nazi agent known only as “The Falcon” (Robert Reed) steals the plans for a top-secret project, the Pluto File, an experiment which induces earthquakes through controlled detonations. His goal: to cause tremors in the Washington area significant enough to damage the nuclear reactor at the newly developed Manhattan Project, causing a full scale meltdown. Even worse, he’s a carrier of the Bubonic Plague, infecting nearly everyone he comes in contact with! It takes Wonder Woman’s brawn, and brain, to stop the Falcon AND work with the head Pluto File seismologist to stop he earthquakes, cool down the reactors, and keep her skin looking smooth and ever-so-slightly bronzed. I’d say she succeeds.

Mr. Brady himself takes a turn as sci-fi heavy here, and his legendary seriousness regardless of what kind of role he’s playing serves him very well. Plotwise, we sort of have a hybrid of Superman (Luthor’s plan to reactivate the San Andreas Fault) and Outbreak (the plague subplot), with shades of The China Syndrome thrown in for good measure. Actually, the scenes in the reactor toward the end do create some edge-of-your-seat suspense, even if the cheesy set looks a tad like the TV studio in Willy Wonka’s factory.

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