
Monday, July 9, 2012

Cheers 1.10: "Endless Slumper"

Airdate: 12/2/82

Rick Walker, a Boston Red Soxxer, stops by Cheers for help in getting out of a baseball slump. Sam gives the man his lucky bottle cap, but just as good luck helps the player end his slump, bad luck befalls Sam. He’s a nervous wreck, and can’t seem to do anything anymore, and when Diane inquires about his condition, he confesses that the bottle cap keeps him from drinking. Worse yet, he discovers that Rick lost the lucky cap in Kansas City – and he almost takes a drink before gets another cap, and his self-confidence back.

Scene where Sam almost falls off the wagon is clearly one of the series’ highlights; as is Diane’s Three’s Company-esque misunderstanding of what Rick wants from her to cure his slump. Guest star Christopher MacDonald, playing Rick Walker, has acted in dozens of movies and TV shows, but might be most known for his role in Thelma and Louise.

Cold open: Carla interviews a prospective tutor for her kids; her only test: can she punch someone in the face? Norm’s opener: A thirsty guy walks into a bar – you finish it.

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