
Monday, August 15, 2011

Waltons 3.2: “The First Day”

Airdate: 9/19/74
John-Boy’s first day at Boatwright College has finally arrived! With his new car and suit, he struts up to the hallowed gates of the university… where all hell breaks loose. Among other things, he misplaces his admissions certificate, gets his car towed away, is made the butt of pranks and ridicule by the upperclassmen, and consequently ruffles the feathers of the chairman of the English department. About the only good to come from it is his chance encounter with pretty fellow freshman, Polly, who seems to have the same kind of day John-Boy is suffering through.

Back at home, Jason tries a bit too hard to fill John-Boy’s shoes, until Miss Hunter counsels him to be his own man.

A classic Murphy’s Law episode, resonant for anyone who’s had a first day of anything. As this is college, it’s also a sharply written episode, thanks to frequent Walton’s scribe John McGreevey. I also liked it because it’s not only John-Boy’s first voyage outside the Walton’s fishbowl, it’s ours, and we don’t really see him as “country” until his fellow collegians call attention to it.

Terrific guest star performance by Devon Ericson as Polly, an overly dramatic but disarming coed who offers the only spot of relief on John-Boy’s day from hell. Ericson is another extremely prolific film/TV actress whose very first role was on this show.

Celebrity look-alike: Professor Ghote is a dead ringer for Sean Connery.

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