
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Waltons 3.18: “The Caretakers”

Airdate: 1/23/75

Zeb is feeling mollycoddled when John urges him to take it easy after his heart attack, and Grandma feels a bit of a generation gap herself, so the two of them decide to housesit for a friend and leave the family. The timing couldn’t be worse, as John gets a huge lumber order, and when he takes on hired help, the man turns out to be a disaster. Cooler heads prevail, of course, and our favorite septuagenarians come back to where they belong.

This shows follows one of the most recurring archetypes of the show: a family member doesn’t feel fulfilled anymore, and goes somewhere else for a spell, only to see he didn’t realize how good he had it. Now it’s the grandparents’ turn, and the familiar routine follows (although the house they caretake does seem nice and quiet).

Corabeth is settling nicely into her role as the woman with aspirations of elegance in a country town. Ike seems to know when to pick his battles, as he allows her to cover up his pool tables with dresses but forbids her from nosing around at the Waltons.

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