
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here We Go!

Welcome, friends, to the start of a great odyssey. No, it won't involve apes, bones or monoliths; this one traverses time - time gone by, that is. And the best way I know to go back in time is to see the movies, watch the tv, read the books, and listen to the music of yesteryear. In short, immerse yourself in vintage pop culture!

I won't bore you with an "about the site" song and dance - it's pretty self explanatory. You'll find my opinions, musings, occassional gripes, frequent praises and general reflections on everything media-related. And though the focus will be decidedly retro-fitted, I'll discuss some contemporary things as well. But there won't be much in that regard. I mean, look around: an unending oil spill; lionized, disgruntled flight attendants; war; terrorism; recession... I mean, can you blame me?

An Exciting New Project

It's been said (by whom, I don't know) that when you buy a book, you're not simply buying the book, but the time it takes to read it. If I could update this truism, I'd say that the same applies to a TV series on DVD. Oh, fine, it all looks good at the Best Buy - The entire first season of Wonder Woman, or The entire SERIES of Full House (all packaged in that San Francisco house that the show took place in).

But dammit, you've got to watch it all. Now you think to yourself, it's no problem - I love the show. Or if you've always wanted to see the show and never had the time, you think to yourself, I can watch the show on my own terms - no more setting the VCR, or, excuse me, DVR, to do it. But those shows add up, especially the one-hour dramas, and before you know it, you're looking at days, weeks, and even months to complete the viewing of a show that looked oh so easy at that Best Buy.

So, in a nutshell, this is what I'm doing: couch potatoing through entire runs of the greatest shows on earth. And with the miracle of modern technology, I'll be blogging my episode by episode reports to you, as daily as I can, so that you too can go on this crazy journey along with me. If you feel like posting your own comments in response, be my absolute guest - maybe I'll throw my two cents back at you.

I will start tomorrow with a show I've always enjoyed: The Waltons. (Couldn't we all use a show about the Depression during a recession?) All 9 seasons are on DVD, and obviously I'll be starting with the first. My review of episode 1.1 (season.episode) will be posted tomorrow, along with a little more about why I chose the series. You'll also get some pictures, links, and maybe some videos.

Hope you're up for it. I know I am. See you tomorrow!

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